Undeniably, with a busy routine and many tasks, worries end up leaving people stressed and in a bad mood. So, we've put together tips to focus more on work and avoid stress, thus improving your quality of life.
Furthermore, Dividing responsibilities, work, relationships and household chores can cause stress and distraction, which can cause a lot of damage to health.
Subsequently, researchers from the MIT Center for Worklife at WellBeing, linked to the Human Resources Department, are looking for tactics to concentrate at work, and you can benefit from this.
So, see tips to focus more on work and avoid stress.
How to relieve stress:
1. Take a walk, it can be short, quick, indoors, but the best thing is to go outside and change the scenery;
2. Take several deep breaths – take a deep breath. And exhale more deeply This allows the shoulders and facial muscles to relax while breathing
3. Not understanding news during working hours and turning off cell phone alerts, which trigger bouts of stress and anxiety;
4. Decorate your desk with photos, quotes or poems that make you feel good;
5. Laugh. You also need to find something funny or someone to laugh at.
6. Massage the temples and the back of the neck, always remembering that the head will not fall if some of these muscles relax.
7. Remember that you can only control what you can control;
8. Interact with others with empathy, making eye contact and smiling at everyone you pass.
9. Performing a “Random Act of Kindness”, a concept derived from the English RAK (Random Act of Kindness) is an incidental act planned to bring some benefit to the outside world.
10. Choosing to be optimistic is the best option, as the Dalai Lama said;
11. Create 'worry-free periods' during the workday – worrying is often unproductive and, rather than helping to solve problems, causes anxiety.
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According to MIT experts, attitudes like these are 'contagious' and contribute to improving the 'climate' of the entire community that frequents the work environment.
They remember that the idea of community is not linked to consensus, but to tolerance and acceptance of divergent points of view.
Listening more, being curious and genuinely interested in others is worth it, they advise.
Another tip is to set aside a moment in your diary, it could be just a minute, to relax and remain aware, be present and attentive.
Anyone who has difficulty can rely on some of the apps, podcasts and meditation channels available on the internet.
However, there are several ways to alleviate all overload and thus focus on doing a good job.
Achieve work-life balance and reduce stress:
In our fast-paced world, achieving work-life balance and reducing stress has become more important than ever.
It is often a challenge to juggle multiple responsibilities, deadlines and commitments and, at the same time, maintain a healthy personal life.
However, with the right strategies in place, it is possible to find harmony between work and life.
An essential tip for achieving work-life balance is to set limits.
Set clear boundaries for your work hours and make sure you stick to them.
This means setting aside specific moments for rest and relaxation, as well as quality time with family and friends. By creating these boundaries, you allow yourself to fully engage in activities outside of work without feeling guilty or overwhelmed.
To find out more tips, visit How to reduce stress