Special recipe for Mother's Day

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Discover a special recipe for Mother's Day, easily prepare that lunch for your mother this May. The day of the most special person in the world is coming.

Preparing a special lunch is the simplest way to show your mother all the love. Even if you don't have many skills in the kitchen, with the right recipe you can make an incredible lunch.

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This way, we prepare the best dishes for you to prepare a special lunch. And the best thing is that you will cook something in a simple way, we prepare dishes that are simple to make.

However, with the best flavors, you will definitely please your mother a lot. Without further ado, let's get to the point, discover the special recipes for Mother's Day.

Chicken with cheese lasagna

First of all, who doesn't enjoy a chicken and cheese lasagna? This is a great way to please your mother in a special way. See the ingredients and preparation method.

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  • Ready-made lasagna pasta (you will find great pasta to buy in the markets)
  • 400 g of grated mozzarella
  • 150 g of mozzarella that will be used for gratin
  • 400 g of ham
  • 2 cups of cottage cheese

White sauce

  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 400 ml of milk
  • Black pepper to taste
  • 1 box of cream
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • salt to taste
  • nutmeg to taste


  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 shredded chicken breasts
  • black pepper to taste

Method of preparation

White sauce

Firstly, we will introduce you to how to do the White sauce which will be used in lasagna. First, take a pan and put the butter to melt, use low heat.

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Then add the wheat flour, mix well, you can use a whisk to make it easier. Afterwards, add the milk and mix, only stop mixing when it becomes a homogeneous cream.

Now, just season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Turn off the heat, and finally add the cream, mix well and reserve in a container.


To make the chicken, take a frying pan and melt the butter, now add the chopped onion and let the onion brown. Afterwards, add the chopped and shredded chicken.

Then, season the chicken with salt and pepper to taste, mix well and leave aside for a second time. This way, your lasagna is almost ready, all you need to do is assemble and brown.

You can buy chicken breast from HARVEST, is an excellent product, very tasty and of good origin. Choose trusted brands.

Remember that the seasoning is the difference, take care at this stage, taste the chicken and the white sauce. Be careful not to oversalt, your mother deserves the best dish.

Assembling the lasagna

This is the last stage of preparing our special recipe for Mother's Day, do everything with lots of love, after all it's for your mother. Take a dish, make the first layer with the white sauce, filling the entire bottom of the dish.

Afterwards, add a layer of lasagna pasta, also filling the entire bottom. Then, a layer of ham, followed by a layer of grated mozzarella and a layer of chicken must be added. Use only half the chicken in this first layer.

Repeat the layers, first the sauce, then the lasagna pasta, then the ham, mozzarella cheese and chicken. Cover with mozzarella and place in preheated oven at 180º C for 20 minutes. Now just serve, enjoy, this is our special recipe for Mother's Day.


You can take your mother to a restaurant, meet the 10 best restaurants in Brazil.

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