Best italian pasta recipes

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However the pastas popularized through flavor and practicality so see best italian pasta recipes.

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In addition to pasta It's on the menu for Sunday lunch or a get-together with friends.

However, the options are numerous, whether lasagna or pasta O taste is amazing and delicious.

However, if you want to take this experience Italian, in order to try new recipes and provide delicious meals, You're in the right place.

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Later you will learn several revenues, with the aim of making beautiful dishes, bringing taste of Italy for your home.

So check out the best italian pasta recipes.

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Chicken with cheese lasagna

Beforehand you will know how to make a chicken lasagna common, simply and with incredible flavor.

In fact, when using shredded chicken with tomato sauce, cheese must be added.

But for a final touch, add grated parmesan.

As long as you see full recipe.


  • 1 shredded chicken breast
  • 300g sliced mozzarella
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Parsley to taste
  • 2 sachets of tomato sauce
  • 2 tablespoons dehydrated sausage
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Grated Parmesan cheese
  • Oregano
  • Lasagna dough

“How to make the best custard”


  • First, separate the Ingredients;
  • Additionally, heat oil in the pan;
  • Posteriorly add shredded chicken, dehydrated parsley and season it your way;
  • Meanwhile, add the tomato sachets and stir well and let them fry for 5 minutes.
  • Separate for assembly;
  • With container, add the layer of chicken;
  • Soon after, add the cheese layer;
  • Above all, place the first layer of lasagna dough not leaving them together. Redo the activity until you reach the layer you want;
  • After all, add the layer of chicken with grated Parmesan cheese on top;
  • Later with oven heated to 180ºc, add the lasagna and leave bake for 25 minutes, this way, paying attention when cooking, you can then distribute it.

Stuffed pasta

Ravioli with walnut sauce

Surprisingly the revenue offers a tasty walnut sauce.

 At first the sauce with ingredients that highlights the creaminess ensuring a delicious meal.


  • 30g parmesan
  • 50g chopped gorgonzola
  • 300g fresh cream or cream
  • 400g ravioli stuffed with cheese
  • Fresh thyme to taste
  •  Chopped pecan nuts to taste
  • Salt to taste


  •  Firstly, place the cream in a frying pan and heat until it becomes liquid.
  • From now on, add parmesan and gorgonzola.
  •  Stir until the cheeses are melted.
  • Add Salt
  • Undeniably add ravioli in the pan next to the sauce and stir.
  • In addition, for the final touch, place fresh thyme and walnuts
  • Although it mixes well
  • Then distribute.


Pasta in quick white sauce

Above all we are for provide practicality as in this recipe like pasta in white sauce, that you will fall in love with when you taste the flavor.


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  • 1 small box of cream
  • 1 cup of cottage cheese
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 1/2 chopped onion
  • ½ package of pasta of your choice
  • Water to cook the pasta
  •  Parsley and chives to taste
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Salt to taste


  • Separate the ingredients;
  • Similarly, put water in a pan and leave it on medium heat, wait for it to boil and add the noodle; This way, when the pasta is cooked, turn it off.
  • Then drain the water and retain it.
  • Certainly in another pan, add oil, onion and garlic;
  • Then add cottage cheese and wait for it to melt;
  • Because put the parsley, chives, salt and cream and stir.
  • So add the sauce with pasta and stir well.


After all, for more information on the best Italian pasta recipes, visit Enrico Crippa

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