Como consultar e solicitar a devolução de valores a receber

How to consult and request the return of amounts receivable

Publicidade – OTZAds Como consultar e solicitar a devolução de valores a receber? Descubra agora se você tem valores esquecidos nos bancos, recupere agora. Começo de ano é sempre mais difícil, afinal de contas, gastamos bastante com as festas de final de ano. Além disso, temos impostos, material escolar e muito mais. Desse modo, qualquer …

Aplicativo para medir terrenos com o celular

Application to measure land with your cell phone

Publicidade – OTZAds Conheça o Aplicativo para medir terrenos com o celular, aproveite para saber a medida exata de seu terreno ou sua propriedade. Saber com exatidão a medida de um terreno é muito importante por diversas razões. Primeiro, em razão de uma construção, é preciso saber a medida antes de construir. Você pode precisar …

Como assistir basquete ao vivo e sem internet no celular

How to watch basketball live without internet on your cell phone

Advertising – OTZAds Do you want to continue following your favorite sport? So find out how to watch basketball live without internet on your cell phone. We will help you with this task of being able to follow your favorite games live. Furthermore, you can watch whenever and wherever you want, with your cell phone (whether during a trip or on the way home). So, do you want to find out…

Aplicativo que encontra celular batendo palmas

Application that finds cell phone by clapping

Advertising – OTZAds Discover the app that finds your cell phone by clapping your hands, never leave your device lost in your home again, find it quickly. Losing your cell phone is something that makes anyone worried, since our lives are contained in this device. There was a time when cell phones were just for making calls, not anymore. …

Medir terrenos perímetros e áreas usando o celular

Measure terrain, perimeters and areas using your cell phone

Advertising – OTZAds With the help of technology it is now possible to measure land, perimeters and areas using your cell phone in order to obtain results in just a few moments. Well, with this revolutionary solution you will be able to measure the perimeter of your land or yard without eliminating manual equipment. So, through this tool you will have the practicality…

Aplicativo que traduz conversa, vídeos e voz ao vivo

Application that translates conversations, videos and live voice

Advertising – OTZAds Discover the application that translates conversations, videos and voice live and eliminates language problems on your international trips. Taking an international trip is difficult for the majority of the population, especially for financial reasons. Traveling to another country is always quite expensive. However, this is not the only one…

App para medir terrenos

App to measure land

Advertising – OTZAds Discover the app to measure land, measure the land of houses, farms, and farms with just a few clicks. Do not miss this opportunity. Measuring a property is always a big difficulty, we usually need to pay a professional. That's right, with just a few clicks you can measure land. Install the app on your cell phone, measure…

Melhores aplicativos de Bíblia

Best Bible Apps

Advertising – OTZAds Discover the best Bible apps, stay in touch with God during your day, understand the Bible with these apps. The truth is that many Christians stop reading the Bible every day because they cannot understand what it says. However, in modern times, applications are an important aid…

Aplicativo para ouvir rádio grátis agora

Application to listen to free radio now

Advertising – OTZAds Discover the application to listen to free radio now, have radio stations from several countries on your cell phone. Music is present in many moments of our day, which is why streaming is growing at the speed we are seeing. However, we can have information, journalistic programs and much more on our device...

Aplicativo que faz montagem de fotos e vídeos

Application that edits photos and videos

Advertising – OTZAds Surely if you like to use your creativity, check out an application that makes photo and video montages. Furthermore, you don't need to have experience with anything to use this tool, as in just a few clicks you can customize images the way you want. However, through this technology you can create incredible montages and share them with your friends or…